The ISTQB® CTEL-TM- Managing the Test Team content within the CTEL-Test Management syllabus considers the people management skills that are a critical part of the Test Manager’s role and necessary to build, develop and lead test teams in organizations. This includes recruitment, setting goals and objectives, individual personalities and roles within teams, performance reviews, motivating and challenging the team and managing distributed teams. Being able to manage across the organization is another core part of the Test Manager’s role including being able to advocate, defend and promote the test team and its contribution to the organization, being able to communicate with stakeholders, advocating quality across the organization and being able to handle ethical issues.For Part 1 of the CTEL-TM certification, refer to CTEL-TM-STM and for Part 2, refer to CTEL-TM-OTM. All 3 Parts are required to be CTEL-TM certified..
Version : 1.0 (2011)
No. of Questions : 16 Multiple Choice questions, 2 Essay Questions
Total Points : 135
Passing Score : 88
Exam Length (mins) : 169 min for (non-native)